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Easichat: what support they benefited from the UK Business Centre Lille

Posted Sep 20, 2024
Success story

Presentation of Easichat

The company was founded in 2022 by Jon Lovell and is specialised in automated chatbots to improve the customer journey. Their solution combines AI and human interactions which allows employees to help clients with more specific requests and let AI respond to more basic questions.

The origin behind Easichat’s need for the assistance of the UK Business Centre Lille

Easichat has its headquarters in London but was looking for development opportunities in France due to the dynamism of its market when it comes to new technologies.

World map

The UK Business Centre Lille's tailored support to Easichat

How it helped Easichat reach new markets

Easichat knew someone from the UK Business Centre Lille network and got recommended their services.

« With the team support, we have not looked back and we are seriously thinking of raising in France to open up an Easichat business based in or close to Lille. We are so impressed by the can-do attitude of the UK Business Centre Lille team as well as the all-important passion for Lille shining through everyone we have met.»
Matt Stone, CEO of Easichat

Easichat needed assistance regarding different matters: bank, legal, finding business partners, business insurances.

Want to benefit from the support of the UK Business Centre Lille?

You would like to be supported just like easichat to develop in Europe? Our team are available to discuss your project!

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